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Qwilr + Trello

Create Trello cards for viewed Qwilr projects

It's difficult to keep track of sales leads — you send them proposals and quotes, but never know for certain whether they've read your documents and whether it's time for you to follow up. This Zapier automation will help you better manage your leads by instantly creating a new Trello card (in a Trello board and list of your choice) when a client views your Qwilr project for the first time.

It's difficult to keep track of sales leads — you send them proposals and quotes, but never know for certain whether they've read your documents and whether it's time for you to follow up. This Zapier automation will help you better manage your leads by instantly creating a new Trello card (in a Trello board and list of your choice) when a client views your Qwilr project for the first time.

  1. When this happens...
    Project First Viewed

    Triggers when a project is first viewed.

  2. automatically do this!
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Supported triggers and actions

  • Qwilr triggers, actions, and search

    Project First Viewed

    Triggers when a project is first viewed.

    Try It
  • Qwilr triggers, actions, and search

    Create Project

    Creates a new project.

    • Board

    • List

    • Card

    Try It
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About Qwilr

Qwilr is reimagining the way you communicate with your clients. We help you make beautiful, intuitive sales and marketing documents that look impressive and integrate seamlessly with your business.
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About Trello

Trello is a team collaboration tool that lets you organize anything and everything to keep your projects on task.

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