KanbanFlow Integrations

Project Management

Do more with KanbanFlow integrations

Zapier lets you connect KanbanFlow with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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KanbanFlow logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Slack with KanbanFlowIntegrate Slack with KanbanFlow


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlowIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlow

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlow

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlow

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Todoist with KanbanFlowIntegrate Todoist with KanbanFlow


Task Management
Integrate Coda with KanbanFlowIntegrate Coda with KanbanFlow


Integrate Jotform with KanbanFlowIntegrate Jotform with KanbanFlow


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Gmail with KanbanFlowIntegrate Gmail with KanbanFlow


Email, Google
Integrate Google Drive with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Drive with KanbanFlow

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Slack with KanbanFlowIntegrate Slack with KanbanFlow


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlowIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlow

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlow

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlow

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Todoist with KanbanFlowIntegrate Todoist with KanbanFlow


Task Management
Integrate Coda with KanbanFlowIntegrate Coda with KanbanFlow


Integrate Slack with KanbanFlowIntegrate Slack with KanbanFlow


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlowIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with KanbanFlow

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Calendar with KanbanFlow

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Tasks with KanbanFlow

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Todoist with KanbanFlowIntegrate Todoist with KanbanFlow


Task Management
Integrate Coda with KanbanFlowIntegrate Coda with KanbanFlow


Integrate Jotform with KanbanFlowIntegrate Jotform with KanbanFlow


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Gmail with KanbanFlowIntegrate Gmail with KanbanFlow


Email, Google
Integrate Google Drive with KanbanFlowIntegrate Google Drive with KanbanFlow

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google

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Quickly automate KanbanFlow integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Send Slack messages when new KanbanFlow tasks are created

    Try it
    • KanbanFlow logo
    • Slack logo
    KanbanFlow + Slack
  • Create KanbanFlow tasks from new Google Calendar events

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • KanbanFlow logo
    Google Calendar + KanbanFlow
  • Create KanbanFlow tasks from saved Slack messages

    Try it
    • Slack logo
    • KanbanFlow logo
    Slack + KanbanFlow
  • Create KanbanFlow tasks from new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows

    Try it
    • Google Sheets logo
    • KanbanFlow logo
    Google Sheets + KanbanFlow
  • Create KanbanFlow tasks from new labeled Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

    Try it
    • Gmail logo
    • KanbanFlow logo
    Gmail + KanbanFlow
  • Create tasks in KanbanFlow from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook

    Try it
    • Microsoft Outlook logo
    • KanbanFlow logo
    Microsoft Outlook + KanbanFlow

Send Slack messages when new KanbanFlow tasks are created

Try it
  • KanbanFlow logo
  • Slack logo
KanbanFlow + Slack

Create KanbanFlow tasks from new Google Calendar events

  • Google Calendar logo
  • KanbanFlow logo
Google Calendar + KanbanFlow

Create KanbanFlow tasks from saved Slack messages

  • Slack logo
  • KanbanFlow logo
Slack + KanbanFlow

Create KanbanFlow tasks from new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows

  • Google Sheets logo
  • KanbanFlow logo
Google Sheets + KanbanFlow

Create KanbanFlow tasks from new labeled Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

  • Gmail logo
  • KanbanFlow logo
Gmail + KanbanFlow

Create tasks in KanbanFlow from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook

  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • KanbanFlow logo
Microsoft Outlook + KanbanFlow

Supported triggers and actions

    • Column

    • Swimlane

    Try It
    • ColumnRequired

    • Swimlane

    • Task NameRequired

    • Description

    • Color

    • Labels

    • Members

    • Responsible

    • Due Date

    • Due Target Column

    • Subtasks

    • Time Estimate in Seconds

kanbanflow logo
kanbanflow logo

About KanbanFlow

KanbanFlow is a Lean project management tool for you and your team. Its intuitive user interface will get you up and running in a few minutes. It has a built-in task timer with support for the Pomodoro technique.

Related categories

  • Project Management

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