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Intercom + Shopper Approved + Formatter by Zapier

Create/update users and add notes in Intercom for new Shopper Approved media reviews

When trying to increase or organize your media reviews, it’s helpful to know if the person you’re engaging with has already left a photo or video review of one of your products. This Zap will create or update a user and add a note in Intercom every time there's a new media review in Shopper Approved.

When trying to increase or organize your media reviews, it’s helpful to know if the person you’re engaging with has already left a photo or video review of one of your products. This Zap will create or update a user and add a note in Intercom every time there's a new media review in Shopper Approved.

  1. When this happens...
    Shopper ApprovedShopper Approved
    Received Review With Media

    Triggers when a new video review or a review containing a photo is received.

  2. automatically do this...
    Create/Update User

    Update a user within Intercom given their e-mail address.

  3. then do this...
    Formatter by ZapierFormatter by Zapier
    Date / Time

    Work with dates and times to change formatting or add/subtract time (with line-item support).

  4. then do this!
    Add Note

    Add a note to a user.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Shopper Approved triggers, actions, and search

    Received Review With Media

    Triggers when a new video review or a review containing a photo is received.

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Lead Converted to User

    Triggers when a lead converts to a user.

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Contact Replied

    Triggers when a Contact replies to a Conversation in Intercom.

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  • Shopper Approved triggers, actions, and search

    Received Product Review

    Triggers when a new Product Review is received.

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Lead Added Email

    Triggers when a Lead enters an email address.

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    • Which Tag?

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About Intercom

Intercom is the Engagement OS, an open channel between customer and business that is in the product, in the moment, and on their terms. We break down silos, unifying data and systems to create an ongoing dialogue, so companies can make the most of every opportunity.

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About Shopper Approved

Shopper Approved collects, manages, and displays ratings and reviews across the web to help improve and expand your brand's reputation and credibility.

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About Formatter by Zapier

Data isn't always in the format you need. Perhaps a date is in International format, but your app needs it in American format. Or maybe you need to Title Case a subject, truncate text for a Tweet, or turn Markdown text into HTML for your blog. Zapier's Formatter tool can help.

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