Boost Your Productivity with KanbanTool

Wade Foster
Wade Foster / March 26, 2013

For teams of one or a thousand, managing projects is hard. Figuring out what's the most important, focusing in on specific tasks without getting distracted by the shiniest new distraction, and shipping something is hard.

A popular methodology for managing projects is Kanban boards. And you're in luck. The tool with the same name, KanbanTool makes it easy to use Kanban boards even if you don't know what a Kanban board is.

With KanbanTool you can create tasks and move them across lists from todo to doing to done. On top of that, KanbanTool will give you some easy to understand analytics to make sure you are making progress on your project. And today we're announcing KanbanTool integration with Zapier which will give a nice automation boost to your typically project management routine.

The Zapier KanbanTool integration already has quite a shared Zaps including:

That's just a few examples, but there are quite a few more examples of KanbanTool integrations over in the service directory.

How to Use This Integration

If you want to use this integration there are just a few things to do.

  1. Go over to KanbanTool and signup for an account. Make sure to get a Zapier account if you haven't already.
  2. Connect your KanbanTool account to Zapier
  3. Check out a few of the pre-made KanbanTool Zaps
  4. Start creating your own

I know some of you have already started using KanbanTool and Zapier to automate your business. Tweet @zapier with the Zaps you're using and we'll make sure to RT. :)