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SuperOffice CRM + Trello

Create a new Trello Card when a new sale is created in SuperOffice

If you organize sales projects using Trello cards, you’ll want to ensure that no sales are missed. Let Zapier create a new Trello card in your Trello Board for you whenever a new Sale is created in SuperOffice CRM.

If you organize sales projects using Trello cards, you’ll want to ensure that no sales are missed. Let Zapier create a new Trello card in your Trello Board for you whenever a new Sale is created in SuperOffice CRM.

  1. When this happens...
    SuperOffice CRMSuperOffice CRM
    New Sale

    Triggers when a new sale is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Update Card

    Update a card's name, description, due date, or position in list.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • SuperOffice CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New Appointment

    Triggers when a new appointment is created.

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  • SuperOffice CRM triggers, actions, and search

    Company Changed

    Triggers when an existing company is changed.

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  • SuperOffice CRM triggers, actions, and search

    Document Changed

    Triggers when an existing document is changed.

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  • SuperOffice CRM triggers, actions, and search

    Contact Changed

    Triggers when an existing contact is changed.

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  • SuperOffice CRM triggers, actions, and search

    Project Changed

    Triggers when an existing project is modified in SuperOffice.

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About SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM software helps businesses collaborate internally and improve their sales, marketing and service processes.
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About Trello

Trello is a team collaboration tool that lets you organize anything and everything to keep your projects on task.

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