Connect OneSignal and Salesforce to unlock the power of automation
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- Free forever for core features
- 14-day trial for premium features and apps
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate OneSignal with Salesforce - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about OneSignal + Salesforce integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with OneSignal and Salesforce
How do I set up OneSignal notifications for new Salesforce leads?
To set up OneSignal notifications for new Salesforce leads, you'll first need to create a Zap that triggers when a new lead is added in Salesforce. In this Zap, you can select an action to send a OneSignal notification. We support customizing the notification with personalized content and details from the lead data.
Can I send automatic notifications from OneSignal when Salesforce opportunities are updated?
Yes, you can create a Zap that triggers on specific updates in your Salesforce opportunities. For instance, you could trigger a notification when an opportunity reaches a certain stage or when its status changes. You need to define your trigger criteria in Salesforce and use OneSignal actions to send out the corresponding notifications.
Is it possible to filter which OneSignal notifications are sent based on Salesforce data fields?
Absolutely! During the setup of your Zap, you can use filters and paths to tailor which data triggers a notification. For example, you might only want to send notifications for opportunities over a certain value or leads from particular regions.
How does real-time syncing work between OneSignal and Salesforce?
Our integration allows for real-time syncing by continuously monitoring specified triggers in your Salesforce account. Once these are activated, the corresponding actions within OneSignal are executed immediately, ensuring seamless interaction between both platforms.
Can we delay sending a notification through OneSignal once triggered by an event in Salesforce?
Yes, within our automation setup, it is possible to incorporate delays after certain triggers before sending out notifications through OneSignal. This can be particularly useful if you want users to take an action or if there's a strategic time-delay required before reaching out.
What types of actions can be triggered in OneSignal based on Salesforce events?
You can trigger various actions such as sending targeted push notifications, SMS reminders, or even automated emails through OneSignal based on events from Salesforce like new leads adding or existing records updating.
Are there any limitations we should be aware of when using OneSignal with Salesforce?
While our integration enables robust functionality between both platforms, it's important to ensure that any API rate limits or restrictions within either platform won't affect expected operations. Additionally, maintaining accurate field mapping is crucial for successful data synchronization and effective action triggering.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Notification Created
Triggers when you have one or more new notifications created.
Try It - Content by Language
- Heading by Language
- Subtitle by Language
- Template ID
- iOS Content Available
- iOS Mutable Content
- Filters
- Segment Names to Send To
- Segment Names of Excluded Users
- Player (User) IDs to Send To
- IOS Device Tokens to Send To
- Android Reg IDs to Send To
- Amazon Reg IDs to Send To
- Windows Phone 8.0 URIs to Target
- Windows Phone 8.1 URIs to Target
- Send to IOS
- Send to Android
- Send to Windows Phone 8.0
- Send to Windows Phone 8.1
- Send to Amazon Kindle Devices
- Send to Chrome Web Push Devices
- Send to Firefox Web Push Devices
- Send to Safari on Mac OS X
- Send to All Supported Browsers
- Send to Chrome App or Extension
- Custom Data
- Open URL
- iOS Media Attachments
- Android Big Picture
- Amazon Big Picture
- Chrome Extensions Big Picture
- Native App Buttons
- Web Push Buttons
- Custom iOS Buttons (Ios_category
- Android Background Layout
- Android Small Icon
- Android Large Icon
- Amazon Small Icon
- Amazon Large Icon
- Web Push Icon
- Chrome Web Image
- IOS Sound
- Android Sound
- Amazon Sound
- Windows Phone 8.0 Sound
- Windows 8.1 Sound
- Android LED Color
- Android Accent Color
- Android Visibility
- IOS Badge Actions
- IOS Badge Count
- Notification Replacement Key
- Android Grouping String
- Android Grouping Stacked Message
- Amazon Grouping String
- Amazon Grouping Stacked Message
- Send Time
- Scheduling Per-User Delay Option
- Time of Day to Deliver
- Notification Time to Live
- Message Priority
- New Contact
Triggers when a new Contact is created.
Try It - Salesforce ObjectRequired
- Record (Optional)
Try It