NorthStar by GrowthHackers Integrations

Team Collaboration

Do more with NorthStar by GrowthHackers integrations

Zapier lets you connect NorthStar by GrowthHackers with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Project Management
Integrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Basecamp 3

Project Management
Integrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Task Management
Integrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Integrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft, Spreadsheets
Integrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Team Chat
Integrate Coda with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Coda with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Integrate Workflow by GrowthHackers with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Workflow by GrowthHackers with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Workflow by GrowthHackers

Marketing Automation
Integrate Google Sheets with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Google Sheets with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Project Management
Integrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Basecamp 3

Project Management
Integrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Task Management
Integrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Integrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft, Spreadsheets
Integrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Team Chat
Integrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Asana with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Project Management
Integrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Basecamp 3 with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Basecamp 3

Project Management
Integrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Notion with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Task Management
Integrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Airtable with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Integrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Microsoft Excel with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft, Spreadsheets
Integrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Slack with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Team Chat
Integrate Coda with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Coda with NorthStar by GrowthHackers


Integrate Workflow by GrowthHackers with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Workflow by GrowthHackers with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Workflow by GrowthHackers

Marketing Automation
Integrate Google Sheets with NorthStar by GrowthHackersIntegrate Google Sheets with NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate NorthStar by GrowthHackers integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create NorthStar cards from Slack posts

    Try it
    • Slack logo
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    Slack + NorthStar by GrowthHackers
  • Create GitHub issues from NorthStar cards

    Try it
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    • GitHub logo
    NorthStar by GrowthHackers + GitHub
  • Create Airtable records from new NorthStar ideas

    Try it
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    • Airtable logo
    NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Airtable
  • Add Basecamp 3 to-dos from new NorthStar ideas

    Try it
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    • Basecamp 3 logo
    NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Basecamp 3
  • Send Campfire messages for new NorthStar ideas

    Try it
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    • Basecamp 3 logo
    NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Basecamp 3
  • Convert GitHub Issues into NorthStar cards

    Try it
    • GitHub logo
    • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
    GitHub + NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Create NorthStar cards from Slack posts

Try it
  • Slack logo
  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
Slack + NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Create GitHub issues from NorthStar cards

  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
  • GitHub logo
NorthStar by GrowthHackers + GitHub

Create Airtable records from new NorthStar ideas

  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
  • Airtable logo
NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Airtable

Add Basecamp 3 to-dos from new NorthStar ideas

  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
  • Basecamp 3 logo
NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Basecamp 3

Send Campfire messages for new NorthStar ideas

  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
  • Basecamp 3 logo
NorthStar by GrowthHackers + Basecamp 3

Convert GitHub Issues into NorthStar cards

  • GitHub logo
  • NorthStar by GrowthHackers logo
GitHub + NorthStar by GrowthHackers

Supported triggers and actions

    • IdeaRequired

    • Description

    • Growth Lever (AARRR)

    • Impact

    • Confidence

    • Ease

    • Hypothesis

    • Tags

northstar logo
northstar logo

About NorthStar by GrowthHackers

GrowthHackers is a powerful collaboration platform helping marketers and growth professionals unleash their company's growth potential. We do this via a community of growth practitioners that share insights and resources at, as well as a collaborative software platform, NorthStar by GrowthHackers, that keeps teams on the same page as they accelerate their growth testing and learning process.

Related categories

  • Team Collaboration