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Intercom + Zapier Tables

Create new records in Zapier Tables when new lead emails are added in Intercom

Easily manage your new leads with this workflow. Whenever a Lead Added Email is initiated in the Intercom app, information will seamlessly flow into Zapier Tables, creating a new record. This process ensures that each new lead gets tracked efficiently, enabling you to stay on top of your marketing efforts and lead management. It's an effortless way to keep your data organized and accessible.

Easily manage your new leads with this workflow. Whenever a Lead Added Email is initiated in the Intercom app, information will seamlessly flow into Zapier Tables, creating a new record. This process ensures that each new lead gets tracked efficiently, enabling you to stay on top of your marketing efforts and lead management. It's an effortless way to keep your data organized and accessible.

  1. When this happens...
    Lead Added Email

    Triggers when a Lead enters an email address.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier TablesZapier Tables
    Create Record

    Creates a new record on a table.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Lead Added Email

    Triggers when a Lead enters an email address.

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    • Which Tag?

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    • Message body format

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Lead Converted to User

    Triggers when a lead converts to a user.

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    Contact Replied

    Triggers when a Contact replies to a Conversation in Intercom.

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  • Intercom triggers, actions, and search

    New Conversation Rating

    Triggers when a conversation receives a rating.

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About Intercom

Intercom is the Engagement OS, an open channel between customer and business that is in the product, in the moment, and on their terms. We break down silos, unifying data and systems to create an ongoing dialogue, so companies can make the most of every opportunity.

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About Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables is a no-code database built for automation.

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