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Email Parser by Zapier + SkedPal

Generate new tasks in SkedPal from new emails in Email Parser by Zapier

Turn your emails into actionable tasks seamlessly with this workflow. When a new email lands in your Email Parser by Zapier, a task is promptly created in SkedPal. This efficient automation saves time spent on manual data entry, ensuring you'll never miss out on important tasks hidden within your emails.

Turn your emails into actionable tasks seamlessly with this workflow. When a new email lands in your Email Parser by Zapier, a task is promptly created in SkedPal. This efficient automation saves time spent on manual data entry, ensuring you'll never miss out on important tasks hidden within your emails.

  1. When this happens...
    Email Parser by ZapierEmail Parser by Zapier
    New Email

    Triggers when a mailbox gets a new email. Don't forget to set up your parser mailboxes at

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Task

    Creates a new task.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Parent TaskRequired

    • Include all nested levels under this parent?

    Try It
    • TaskRequired

    • Mark Complete?Required

  • SkedPal triggers, actions, and search

    Update Schedule

    Update Schedule

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About Email Parser by Zapier

Send emails to your custom "" address and extract any data! Visit for more information!

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About SkedPal

SkedPal is a smart calendar app that schedules your to-do's based on your commitments and preferences.

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