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Calendly + Growbots

Qualify companies in Growbots when new Calendly invitees are created

Once a meeting with a prospect from a certain company is scheduled, you might want to hold off from sending other messages to people from that firm. Why bother people when you're already in contact with them? With this zap, once a prospect schedules a meeting with you, the company of the prospect in Growbots will become qualified, which means all communication will be paused & you won't generate more prospects from this company.

Once a meeting with a prospect from a certain company is scheduled, you might want to hold off from sending other messages to people from that firm. Why bother people when you're already in contact with them? With this zap, once a prospect schedules a meeting with you, the company of the prospect in Growbots will become qualified, which means all communication will be paused & you won't generate more prospects from this company.

  1. When this happens...
    Invitee Created

    Triggers when an invitee schedules an event

  2. automatically do this!

    Qualifies a prospect or a company.

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Supported triggers and actions

    • Free Plan Copy

    • Webhook subscription scopeRequired

    • Event Type

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    • Event NameRequired

    • Host UserRequired

    • Co-hosts

    • Duration (in minutes)Required

    • Time Zone

    • Start DateRequired

    • End DateRequired

    • Location Kind

    • Location

    • Additional Location Info

  • Calendly triggers, actions, and search

    Mark Invitee as No Show

    Marks a specific invitee as a no show.

  • Growbots triggers, actions, and search

    New Email Opened

    Triggers when a prospect opens a new email. Note: the

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About Calendly

Calendly is an elegant and simple scheduling tool for businesses that eliminates email back and forth. It helps save time so that businesses can provide great service and increase sales.

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About Growbots

Growbots is an all-in-one AI tool for automated outbound sales, combining scalable prospecting and targeted email outreach.