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Brevo + Facebook Conversions

Share new contacts added to specific lists in Sendinblue as funnel events to Facebook Conversions

Once active, this Zap automatically logs each new events from SendinBlue as a funnel event to Facebook conversions. Facebook then uses the information to show your ads to the right people, without the need for research or manual updates.

Once active, this Zap automatically logs each new events from SendinBlue as a funnel event to Facebook conversions. Facebook then uses the information to show your ads to the right people, without the need for research or manual updates.

  1. When this happens...
    New Contact Added to a Specific List

    This trigger is deprecated, use "Contact Subscribed to specific list" instead. Triggers when a new contact is added to a Brevo list. This trigger will not be fired for existing contact added to specific list.

  2. automatically do this!
    Facebook ConversionsFacebook Conversions
    Send Funnel Event

    Publish lead updates from your funnel.

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About Brevo

Brevo is the leading CRM suite designed to cultivate long-term customer relationships and help businesses grow.

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About Facebook Conversions

Facebook’s Conversions lets you send information about important customer events to Facebook Server-Side API directly from your website’s server, CRM or other customer information databases. This information is useful to create powerful ads that yield better conversions.

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