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Brevo + Facebook Conversions

Send Facebook Conversions lead event when new contacts are added to a specific list in Brevo

Stay on top of your audience engagement seamlessly. When a new contact is added to a particular list in Brevo, this workflow streamlines your marketing by instantly sending a lead event in the Facebook Conversions app. Benefit from a more efficient, automatic system that helps enhance your understanding of user interactions and boosts your social media marketing efforts.

Stay on top of your audience engagement seamlessly. When a new contact is added to a particular list in Brevo, this workflow streamlines your marketing by instantly sending a lead event in the Facebook Conversions app. Benefit from a more efficient, automatic system that helps enhance your understanding of user interactions and boosts your social media marketing efforts.

  1. When this happens...
    Contact Subscribed to Specific List(s)

    Triggers when a Brevo contact is subscribed to specific list(s).

  2. automatically do this!
    Facebook ConversionsFacebook Conversions
    Send Lead Event

    Publish lead events to Conversions API

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Brevo

Brevo is the leading CRM suite designed to cultivate long-term customer relationships and help businesses grow.

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About Facebook Conversions

Facebook’s Conversions lets you send information about important customer events to Facebook Server-Side API directly from your website’s server, CRM or other customer information databases. This information is useful to create powerful ads that yield better conversions.

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