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  • ActiveCampaign logoActiveCampaign logo
  • Email by Zapier logoEmail by Zapier logo
  • SamCart logoSamCart logo

ActiveCampaign + Email by Zapier + SamCart Integrations

How to connect ActiveCampaign + Email by Zapier + SamCart

Zapier lets you send info between ActiveCampaign and Email by Zapier and SamCart automatically—no code required. With 7,000+ supported apps, the possibilities are endless.

Choose a Trigger
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Start herearrow pointing down
Choose an Action
Choose an Action
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Do even more with ActiveCampaign + Email by Zapier + SamCart

With Zapier, you can do more than just connect your apps - you can automate entire processes from beginning to end! Check out the following list of triggers and actions you can use with ActiveCampaign, Email by Zapier, and SamCart. And don’t forget that you can add more apps and actions to create complex workflows.

Supported triggers and actions

    • Custom ObjectRequired

    • Trigger EventsRequired

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    • Task Type (Optional)

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  • ActiveCampaign triggers, actions, and search

    New Automation Webhook

    Triggers when an automation sends out webhook data. To add a webhook in ActiveCampaign, navigate to your Automations section, add or edit an automation, and create a new "Webhook" action.

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    • ListRequired

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How ActiveCampaign + Email by Zapier + SamCart Integrations Work

  1. Step 1: Authenticate ActiveCampaign, Email by Zapier, and SamCart.
    30 seconds
  2. Step 2: Pick one of the apps as a trigger, which will kick off your automation.
    15 seconds
  3. Step 3: Choose a resulting action from the other app.
    15 seconds
  4. Step 4: Select the data you want to send from one app to the other.
    2 minutes
  5. That’s it! More time to work on other things.
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About ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a customer experience automation (CXA) platform that helps businesses meaningfully engage customers. Access pre-built automations that combine transactional email and email marketing, marketing automation, ecommerce marketing, and CRM for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat, and text.

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About Email by Zapier

Send and receive email via a custom Zapier email address at "". This is great for triggering off of emails and sending custom emails. (Max of 10 email sends per hour.) Have direct access to your own email servers? Check out our IMAP and SMTP services!

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About SamCart

SamCart is an online shopping cart that helps you sell things online.

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