Integrate Product Roadmap App Aha! with UserVoice, Asana and Hundreds of More Apps

Danny Schreiber
Danny Schreiber / November 26, 2014

Aha marketing

For product managers balancing internal ideas, user requests and time constraints, there's a new tool that ties it all together: Aha! This product roadmapping app is now integrated more closely with the other software you use, too, as it's the latest addition to Zapier.

With Aha! and Zapier, you're able to automatically add new UserVoice submissions, Wufoo entries or tagged helpdesk tickets, such as "product request", to your customer ideas list. You can also automate the creation of tasks in other apps, such as Asana, Basecamp or Trello, when you log a new feature to Aha!

Here's a preview of the automation you can add to your roadmapping app, for more, see the Aha! Zapbook page.

To Get Started with Aha! on Zapier

  1. Sign in to your Aha! account—make sure you have a Zapier account, too
  2. Connect your Aha! account to Zapier
  3. Check out a few of the pre-made Aha! Zaps or
  4. Start creating your own!

Learn more about this new integration on the Aha! blog: "Aha! Integrated With Zapier – Connect With Apps You Love".
