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Webflow + Zapier Manager

Create Webflow items for new zap errors in Zapier Manager

Efficiently manage and resolve issues within the Zapier Manager app by setting up a workflow that creates a Webflow item whenever a new error occurs. This streamlined process minimizes manual effort, allowing you to swiftly address problems, maintain your site's performance, and ensure a smooth user experience.

Efficiently manage and resolve issues within the Zapier Manager app by setting up a workflow that creates a Webflow item whenever a new error occurs. This streamlined process minimizes manual effort, allowing you to swiftly address problems, maintain your site's performance, and ensure a smooth user experience.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier ManagerZapier Manager
    New Zap Error

    Triggers when a Zap owned by you encounters an error.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Item

    Adds a new item to a given collection.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Zapier Manager

Bolster your Zap housekeeping with Zapier Manager. Track Zap errors, invite members to your Team, and more!

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