PicallEx Integrations

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Do more with PicallEx integrations

Zapier lets you connect PicallEx with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Shopify with PicallExIntegrate Shopify with PicallEx


Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallEx

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallExIntegrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallEx

TikTok Lead Generation

Ads & Conversion
Integrate BigCommerce with PicallExIntegrate BigCommerce with PicallEx


Integrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallEx

Reddit Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion
Integrate Google Sheets with PicallExIntegrate Google Sheets with PicallEx

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Gmail with PicallExIntegrate Gmail with PicallEx


Email, Google
Integrate Google Calendar with PicallExIntegrate Google Calendar with PicallEx

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Drive with PicallExIntegrate Google Drive with PicallEx

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Shopify with PicallExIntegrate Shopify with PicallEx


Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallEx

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallExIntegrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallEx

TikTok Lead Generation

Ads & Conversion
Integrate BigCommerce with PicallExIntegrate BigCommerce with PicallEx


Integrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallEx

Reddit Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion
Integrate Google Sheets with PicallExIntegrate Google Sheets with PicallEx

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Shopify with PicallExIntegrate Shopify with PicallEx


Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with PicallEx

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallExIntegrate TikTok Lead Generation with PicallEx

TikTok Lead Generation

Ads & Conversion
Integrate BigCommerce with PicallExIntegrate BigCommerce with PicallEx


Integrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallExIntegrate Reddit Lead Ads with PicallEx

Reddit Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion
Integrate Google Sheets with PicallExIntegrate Google Sheets with PicallEx

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Gmail with PicallExIntegrate Gmail with PicallEx


Email, Google
Integrate Google Calendar with PicallExIntegrate Google Calendar with PicallEx

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Drive with PicallExIntegrate Google Drive with PicallEx

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate PicallEx integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create digital leads in PicallEx from new Facebook Lead Ads leads

    Try it
    • Facebook Lead Ads logo
    • PicallEx logo
    Facebook Lead Ads + PicallEx
  • Create digital leads in PicallEx when new trigger phrases are spoken in Amazon Alexa

    Try it
    • Amazon Alexa logo
    • PicallEx logo
    Amazon Alexa + PicallEx
  • Generate new PicallEx digital leads from new TikTok Lead Generation leads

    Try it
    • TikTok Lead Generation logo
    • PicallEx logo
    TikTok Lead Generation + PicallEx
  • Create new digital leads in PicallEx for every new lead from Reddit Lead Ads

    Try it
    • Reddit Lead Ads logo
    • PicallEx logo
    Reddit Lead Ads + PicallEx
  • Create digital leads in PicallEx from new leads in Reddit Lead Ads

    Try it
    • Reddit Lead Ads logo
    • PicallEx logo
    Reddit Lead Ads + PicallEx

Create digital leads in PicallEx from new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Try it
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • PicallEx logo
Facebook Lead Ads + PicallEx

Create digital leads in PicallEx when new trigger phrases are spoken in Amazon Alexa

  • Amazon Alexa logo
  • PicallEx logo
Amazon Alexa + PicallEx

Generate new PicallEx digital leads from new TikTok Lead Generation leads

  • TikTok Lead Generation logo
  • PicallEx logo
TikTok Lead Generation + PicallEx

Create new digital leads in PicallEx for every new lead from Reddit Lead Ads

  • Reddit Lead Ads logo
  • PicallEx logo
Reddit Lead Ads + PicallEx

Create digital leads in PicallEx from new leads in Reddit Lead Ads

  • Reddit Lead Ads logo
  • PicallEx logo
Reddit Lead Ads + PicallEx

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • usernameRequired

    • passwordRequired

    • phoneRequired

    • nombre

    • notas

    • email

    • direccion

    • ciudad

    • Direccion Estado

    • zip

    • Medio Nombre

    • Medio Producto

    • Tipo MedioRequired

    • Estrategia ID

    • URL Origen

    • Codigo Pais

    • region

    • Telefono Alternativo

    • NombreRequired

    • ApellidoRequired

    • TeléfonoRequired

    • CiudadRequired

    • DirecciónRequired

    • zipRequired

    • Forma de PagoRequired

    • Forma de envíoRequired

    • StateRequired

    • Id

    • Precio

    • Id

    • Precio

    • Cantidad

    • SKU Code

    • Id externo

    • Id del proveedor

    • Informacion del proveedor

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picallex logo

About PicallEx

This integration allow to our users create orders via API Integration into PicallEx CRM.

Related categories

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

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