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  • Zapier Manager logoZapier Manager logo

Mailchimp Transactional + Zapier Manager

Send an email via Mailchimp Transactional for new zap errors detected in Zapier Manager

Stay on top of your app management by instantly being notified of any new errors. This workflow springs into action the moment an issue is detected, sending a detailed email through Mailchimp Transactional. This efficient communication strategy ensures you or your team are swiftly alerted, enabling rapid problem resolution. With this workflow in place, your digital operations run smoother, keeping potential glitches in check.

Stay on top of your app management by instantly being notified of any new errors. This workflow springs into action the moment an issue is detected, sending a detailed email through Mailchimp Transactional. This efficient communication strategy ensures you or your team are swiftly alerted, enabling rapid problem resolution. With this workflow in place, your digital operations run smoother, keeping potential glitches in check.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier ManagerZapier Manager
    New Zap Error

    Triggers when a Zap owned by you encounters an error.

  2. automatically do this!
    Mailchimp TransactionalMailchimp Transactional
    Send Email

    Send an email through Mandrill's system!

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Mailchimp Transactional

Mailchimp Transactional is simple, powerful transactional email.

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About Zapier Manager

Bolster your Zap housekeeping with Zapier Manager. Track Zap errors, invite members to your Team, and more!

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