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Google Sheets + Zapier Chrome extension

Log data to Google Sheets spreadsheet rows with a Google Chrome extension

Want a quick way to log data to a Google Sheets spreadsheet—perhaps to list every blog post you publish, new deal closed, or each time you go running? Zapier's Chrome extension gives you an easy way to do that. Just push the Zap's button in Chrome, and Zapier will automatically add the text you want to a new line in your spreadsheet every time.

Want a quick way to log data to a Google Sheets spreadsheet—perhaps to list every blog post you publish, new deal closed, or each time you go running? Zapier's Chrome extension gives you an easy way to do that. Just push the Zap's button in Chrome, and Zapier will automatically add the text you want to a new line in your spreadsheet every time.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier Chrome extensionZapier Chrome extension
    New Push

    When you trigger this Zap from the Zapier Chrome extension, by default it will include the website’s title, URL, timestamp, and who triggered the Zap. You can add additional Input Fields if you’d like to include more information.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Create Spreadsheet Row

    Create a new row in a specific spreadsheet.

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Supported triggers and actions

    • Instructions

    • Input Fields (Optional)

    Try It
    • Drive

    • SpreadsheetRequired

    • WorksheetRequired

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    • No Team Drive

    • SpreadsheetRequired

    • WorksheetRequired

    • Trigger column

    Try It
    • Message TitleRequired

    • Message DetailsRequired

    • No Team Drive

    • SpreadsheetRequired

    • WorksheetRequired

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    • Drive

    • SpreadsheetRequired

    • WorksheetRequired

    • Trigger column

    Try It
    • Drive

    • SpreadsheetRequired

    Try It
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About Google Sheets

Create, edit, and share spreadsheets wherever you are with Google Sheets, and get automated insights from your data.

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About Zapier Chrome extension

Run workflows right from your browser. Include the URL & Title of the current page or add fields to include any other data you want to use in your Zap.