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Google Sheets + Teachfloor

Track revoked Teachfloor course access by creating rows in Google Sheets

Manage your Teachfloor educational sessions more efficiently with this workflow. When access to a course is revoked in Teachfloor, it directly creates a row in Google Sheets for tracking. Keep your records updated and stay on top of any changes to course access, all in real time, simplifying course administration. You'll no longer need to manually update your spreadsheet - let this handy process handle it for you.

Manage your Teachfloor educational sessions more efficiently with this workflow. When access to a course is revoked in Teachfloor, it directly creates a row in Google Sheets for tracking. Keep your records updated and stay on top of any changes to course access, all in real time, simplifying course administration. You'll no longer need to manually update your spreadsheet - let this handy process handle it for you.

  1. When this happens...
    Course Access Revoked

    Triggers when a user access is revoked from a course

  2. automatically do this!
    Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Create Spreadsheet Row

    Create a new row in a specific spreadsheet.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Teachfloor triggers, actions, and search

    Assistant Assigned

    Triggers when an assistant is assigned to a participant.

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  • Teachfloor triggers, actions, and search

    Course Completed

    Triggers when a participant completes an entire course.

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  • Teachfloor triggers, actions, and search

    Tag Assigned

    Triggers then a tag is assigned to a course participant.

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  • Teachfloor triggers, actions, and search

    Course Access Revoked

    Triggers when a user access is revoked from a course

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  • Teachfloor triggers, actions, and search

    Element Completed

    Triggers when a user completes an element.

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    • Participant EmailRequired

    • Assistant EmailRequired

    • Course

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About Google Sheets

Create, edit, and share spreadsheets wherever you are with Google Sheets, and get automated insights from your data.

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About Teachfloor

Teachfloor is an online cohort-based courses platform that allows any instructors to set up in just one-click their own online live academy

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