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Facebook Messenger + Zapier Chatbots

Generate replies to new messages sent to Facebook Messenger page with Zapier Chatbots

Ensure seamless and efficient responses to Facebook Messenger messages with this workflow. When a new message is sent to your page, a reply is swiftly generated in the Chatbots app, keeping your communication flowing. Enhance the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of your response system with this smooth operation.

Ensure seamless and efficient responses to Facebook Messenger messages with this workflow. When a new message is sent to your page, a reply is swiftly generated in the Chatbots app, keeping your communication flowing. Enhance the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of your response system with this smooth operation.

  1. When this happens...
    Facebook MessengerFacebook Messenger
    New Message Sent to Page

    Triggers when a new Message is sent to a page.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier ChatbotsZapier Chatbots
    Generate Reply to Message

    Generates a new message reply from a Zapier Chatbot

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Response Msg

    • PageRequired

    • Recipient IdRequired

    • TextRequired

    • ChatbotRequired

    Try It
    • ChatbotRequired

    • Conversation Key

    • User MessageRequired

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About Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a messaging app and platform. Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and other files. This app on Zapier works for conversations that are sent to and from Facebook pages and does not yet support direct messages to a user.
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About Zapier Chatbots

Create custom AI chatbots and take action with built-in automation

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