Send outbound emails for new gifts delivered in jeudimerci with Email by Zapier
Stay on top of your gift deliveries with this efficient email notification workflow. When a new gift is delivered in the jeudimerci app, it triggers an email to be sent through the Email by Zapier app, keeping you informed and organized. Save time and streamline your gifting process with this handy email automation.
Stay on top of your gift deliveries with this efficient email notification workflow. When a new gift is delivered in the jeudimerci app, it triggers an email to be sent through the Email by Zapier app, keeping you informed and organized. Save time and streamline your gifting process with this handy email automation.
- When this happens...New Gift Delivered
Triggers when a gift is delivered to its recipient.
- automatically do this!Send Outbound Email
Send up to 5 emails per day on Free or Trial Zapier plans, or up to 10 emails per hour on paid Zapier plans from a custom address.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Triggers when an email is forwarded to your own custom
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