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CoSchedule + Feedly

Create CoSchedule social messages for new Feedly board articles

Stay on top of your social media game by instantly sharing new articles from your Feedly board with this automation. Whenever a new article is added to your specified board in Feedly, this workflow will create a social message in CoSchedule, letting you effortlessly maintain an engaging online presence and promote fresh content to your audience.

Stay on top of your social media game by instantly sharing new articles from your Feedly board with this automation. Whenever a new article is added to your specified board in Feedly, this workflow will create a social message in CoSchedule, letting you effortlessly maintain an engaging online presence and promote fresh content to your audience.

  1. When this happens...
    New Article in Board

    Triggers when an article is added to a board.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Social Message

    Create a Social Message and add it to your calendar.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

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About CoSchedule

CoSchedule is mission control for your entire marketing strategy.

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About Feedly

The best way to follow your favorite blogs, news sites, YouTube shows, podcasts, tumblr blogs, magazines, eBay listings, Hulu shows and more. feedly delivers all your favorite news in one place—and it is blazing fast.

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