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Compass + Mojo

Create new leads in Compass for every new contact in Mojo

Enhance your real estate business pipeline with this automation. When you add a new contact in Mojo, it will seamlessly create a new lead in your Compass app. This workflow allows for immediate engagement, helping you to interact swiftly and efficiently with potential clients. Streamline your process, save time, and ensure you never miss an opportunity with this simple, effective tool.

Enhance your real estate business pipeline with this automation. When you add a new contact in Mojo, it will seamlessly create a new lead in your Compass app. This workflow allows for immediate engagement, helping you to interact swiftly and efficiently with potential clients. Streamline your process, save time, and ensure you never miss an opportunity with this simple, effective tool.

  1. When this happens...
    New Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is created (through the create contact form in Data & Dialer section).

  2. automatically do this!
    Create a New Lead

    Create a new lead in your Compass CRM.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Compass

Compass CRM empowers Compass agents to manage their business end-to-end in one platform.
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About Mojo

Mojo is a Real Estate prospecting solution which includes an easy to use CRM, Power Dialer and Real Estate lead service.