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BookingKoala + OpenPhone

Send a message in OpenPhone when a booking is cancelled in BookingKoala

This workflow springs into action when a booking gets cancelled in BookingKoala, ensuring a smooth flow of communication by sending a message through OpenPhone. Ideal for businesses that value efficiency, this process keeps communication lines open and ensures no cancelled booking goes unnoticed. With this seamless workflow, stay on top of changes in real-time and maintain top-notch customer service.

This workflow springs into action when a booking gets cancelled in BookingKoala, ensuring a smooth flow of communication by sending a message through OpenPhone. Ideal for businesses that value efficiency, this process keeps communication lines open and ensures no cancelled booking goes unnoticed. With this seamless workflow, stay on top of changes in real-time and maintain top-notch customer service.

  1. When this happens...
    Booking Cancelled

    Triggered when booking is cancelled.

  2. automatically do this!
    Send a Message

    Sends a new message via OpenPhone.

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About BookingKoala

BookingKoala is a booking platform for service businesses such as cleaning, dog walking, spa, and tutoring services.

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About OpenPhone

OpenPhone is a new phone for business. It comes with powerful calling, messaging, and a lightweight CRM.

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