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Autotask + Schedule by Zapier

Create weekly tickets in Autotask using Schedule by Zapier

Keep your operations running smoothly with this weekly scheduling workflow. Once set up, every week a new ticket is created in Autotask, keeping your tasks organized and manageable. Never miss a beat in your workflow management with this simple, yet effective, automation.

Keep your operations running smoothly with this weekly scheduling workflow. Once set up, every week a new ticket is created in Autotask, keeping your tasks organized and manageable. Never miss a beat in your workflow management with this simple, yet effective, automation.

  1. When this happens...
    Schedule by ZapierSchedule by Zapier
    Every Week

    Triggers every week, on the day(s) selected.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Ticket

    Creates a ticket.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Autotask

Autotask provides an IT business management solution that combines service desk, CRM, projects, time and expense, billing and more.
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About Schedule by Zapier

Schedule is a native Zapier app you can use for recurring tasks. Trigger an action every day of the month, every day of the week or every single day. You can also select the hour of the day. If you're a developer, this is similar to a crontab, cronjob or cron.

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