Criteria-Based Resume Screening

This agent filters resumes based on criteria like skills, experience, and qualifications.


Jane DoeToday at 10:10am

Evaluate the resume I just uploaded.

Criteria-Based Resume ScreeningToday at 10:11am

Sure! I'll evaluate the resume you uploaded.

Analyzing data...

Candidate Resume

Automatically evaluate resumes against specific job requirements to determine if a candidate is a good fit.

Why you should use the Criteria-Based Resume Screening template:

Save time and improve the accuracy of your hiring process with this automated resume evaluation template. By systematically comparing resumes against your specific job requirements, this template ensures that only qualified candidates move forward, making your recruitment process more efficient and effective.

How the template works:

This template uses an AI assistant to assess resumes based on a predefined set of job requirements. When you request an evaluation, the assistant:

  1. Retrieves the resume from the connected data source.

  2. Compares the resume against the specified criteria, like technical skills, experience, education, and soft skills.

  3. Outputs whether the candidate meets the requirements for the role.

This process helps you quickly determine if a candidate is a good match, streamlining the resume screening process.


These capabilities can be customized to best fit your needs.

Data sources

Real-time data this agent has access to.

Upload File


Workflows your agent executes based on specific triggers.

Resume Evaluation Workflow

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Sure! I'll analyze employee satisfaction using the responses to that survey.

Running action...


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Jane Doe

Score the candidate I just uploaded.

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Sure! I'll score the candidate with the resume you uploaded.

Analyzing data...

Candidate Resume

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