Speak Any Customer’s Language with Translate by Zapier

Jose Proenca
Jose Proenca / May 16, 2016

Language barriers make it hard to communicate with customers and grow a global business. When you aren't even speaking the same language, how can you expect to build a relationship?

That's why we built Translate by Zapier. It's a new built-in app that lets you insert a translation step after any Trigger or Action, and turn comments, messages, and news into information you can act on. Whether it's Spanish or Mandarin, we'll give you a seamless translation without a clunky copy/paste experience.

Setting up a Workflow with Translate is easy: Choose whether or not you want us to auto-detect the language, tell us what to translate, and into what language. That's it!

Maybe your customer feedback isn't always in English, and need to make sure everyone on the team can digest it. Or perhaps you have sites and blogs you always have to translate before reading. And then there's your communication to consider, too: How much easier would conversations be if you could respond to an email in the reader's native tongue?

Whatever you need to decode, Zapier has you covered: the Translate app works out of the box with every other app we support, and can process over 100 languages. Go ahead and jump into the editor to build your own translation workflows, or check out some of these examples:

Read Foreign News and Announcements

Decipher References and Submissions That Aren't in Your Language

Convert Important Messages Into English

And more…

Incorporate Translation by Zapier into your automation workflows and break down those language barriers once and for all!