New Instant Trigger for Intercom

Alison Groves
Alison Groves / September 14, 2015

When someone visits our website, the million dollar question is, "what are they thinking, and how can we help them?" A lot of the time you have to take an educated guess, and hope you are giving those visitors what they need. Intercom takes the guessing out of the equasion, allowing you to interact with your site visitors and customers in real time, giving them a personal touch and allowing you to help as many as you can.

While Intercom has been integrated with Zapier for quite some time, a brand new instant Trigger was recently added for new contacts. When a new contact is created in Intercom, connect that with tools like CRMs, email marketing platforms, even survey apps.

Check out a few different ways you can take advantage of Intercom's Zapier integration:

How to Use This Integration

  1. Sign up for a Intercom account, and also make sure you have a Zapier account.
  2. Connect your Intercom account to Zapier.
  3. Check out pre-made Intercom integrations.
  4. Or create your own from scratch in the Zap Editor.
