Set Up Phone Push Notifications for Over 280 Web Apps with Instapush

Danny Schreiber
Danny Schreiber / March 19, 2014

Instapush marketing

Instapush makes is easy to set up push notifications on your phone for web app transactions that matter to you, be it a new milestone, sign-up or error alert. And now with Instapush connected to Zapier, thousands of push notifications possibilities are available for Android and iOS.

With this integration, you can make Zaps to inform you about almost anything, whether it’s a new file in Dropbox or Google Drive, a new subscriber in MailChimp or AWeber, a new task in Basecamp or Asana, or even a new payment in PayPal or Braintree, Instapush will deliver it.

Here are a few of those possibilities—for more, see the Instapush Zapbook page.

How to use this integration

  1. Sign in to your Instapush account—make sure you have a Zapier account, too
  2. Connect your Instapush account to Zapier
  3. Check out a few of the pre-made Instapush Zaps or
  4. Start creating your own

For more on this integration, visit the Zapier page on Instapush's website.
