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Zapier Chatbots + Zapier Chrome extension

Respond in chrome to completed chatbot conversations in Zapier Chatbots

Enhance your Chatbot conversations by using this seamless workflow to interact in real time in Chrome. Following a completed Chatbot conversation within the Zapier Chatbots app, a swift response is initiated in Chrome. This can help streamline your communication process, ensuring swift and efficient exchanges. It's a practical solution for managing and maintaining engagement on your chat platform.

Enhance your Chatbot conversations by using this seamless workflow to interact in real time in Chrome. Following a completed Chatbot conversation within the Zapier Chatbots app, a swift response is initiated in Chrome. This can help streamline your communication process, ensuring swift and efficient exchanges. It's a practical solution for managing and maintaining engagement on your chat platform.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier ChatbotsZapier Chatbots
    Chatbot Conversation Completed

    Triggers when a chatbot conversation is inactive for 5 minutes.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier Chrome extensionZapier Chrome extension
    Reply to Chrome

    After triggering a Zap via the Chrome extension, you can return the results and display them right in the extension.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • ChatbotRequired

    Try It
    • ChatbotRequired

    • Conversation Key

    • User MessageRequired

    • Message TitleRequired

    • Message DetailsRequired

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About Zapier Chatbots

Create custom AI chatbots and take action with built-in automation

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About Zapier Chrome extension

Run workflows right from your browser. Include the URL & Title of the current page or add fields to include any other data you want to use in your Zap.