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Showcase IDX + WhatsApp Notifications

Send messages in WhatsApp Notifications for new leads in Showcase IDX

Boost your sales and keep your team updated instantly whenever a new lead is generated on Showcase IDX. With this workflow, as soon as there's a new lead on Showcase IDX, a message is swiftly dispatched through WhatsApp Notifications. Saving you time, simplifying the communication process, and ensuring everyone in your team is informed immediately for quicker response times.

Boost your sales and keep your team updated instantly whenever a new lead is generated on Showcase IDX. With this workflow, as soon as there's a new lead on Showcase IDX, a message is swiftly dispatched through WhatsApp Notifications. Saving you time, simplifying the communication process, and ensuring everyone in your team is informed immediately for quicker response times.

  1. When this happens...
    Showcase IDXShowcase IDX
    New Lead

    Triggers when a lead registers their account.

  2. automatically do this!
    WhatsApp NotificationsWhatsApp Notifications
    Send Message

    Sends a message to a WhatsApp user.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Showcase IDX

Showcase IDX is a real estate search plugin for WordPress, optimized for lead generation.
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About WhatsApp Notifications

Receive notifications on WhatsApp.