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  • Schedule by Zapier logoSchedule by Zapier logo
  • Slybroadcast logoSlybroadcast logo

Schedule by Zapier + Slybroadcast

Start new Slybroadcast campaigns using audio files every day with Schedule by Zapier

Initiate a new voice message campaign every day with this workflow. By utilizing the Schedule by Zapier and Slybroadcast apps, your daily audio file campaigns start without you having to manually set them up. It streamlines your voice marketing process, ensuring regular engagement with your audience.

Initiate a new voice message campaign every day with this workflow. By utilizing the Schedule by Zapier and Slybroadcast apps, your daily audio file campaigns start without you having to manually set them up. It streamlines your voice marketing process, ensuring regular engagement with your audience.

  1. When this happens...
    Schedule by ZapierSchedule by Zapier
    Every Day

    Triggers every day at the time selected.

  2. automatically do this!
    Start New Campaign Using an Audio File

    Sends a slybroadcast voice mail to a person or group of people using an audio file that has need uploaded to your slybroadcast account.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Schedule by Zapier

Schedule is a native Zapier app you can use for recurring tasks. Trigger an action every day of the month, every day of the week or every single day. You can also select the hour of the day. If you're a developer, this is similar to a crontab, cronjob or cron.

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About Slybroadcast

Slybroadcast is an application that allows you to send a voice message directly to the voice-mailboxes of thousands of phones, within minutes.

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