
PagePixels Screenshots + RSS Ground

Create new RSS Ground items when new screenshots are captured in PagePixels Screenshots

Manage your screenshots effortlessly with this seamless workflow connecting PagePixels Screenshots and RSS Ground. Every new screenshot you take in PagePixels will be instantly added as an item in your personal feed in RSS Ground. Enjoy quick, easy access to your updates and never miss out on any screenshot again. This integration streamlines your process, offering a compact solution for tracking and managing your content.

Manage your screenshots effortlessly with this seamless workflow connecting PagePixels Screenshots and RSS Ground. Every new screenshot you take in PagePixels will be instantly added as an item in your personal feed in RSS Ground. Enjoy quick, easy access to your updates and never miss out on any screenshot again. This integration streamlines your process, offering a compact solution for tracking and managing your content.

  1. When this happens...
    PagePixels ScreenshotsPagePixels Screenshots
    New Screenshot

    Triggers when a new screenshot is taken, optionally limited to specific Screenshot Configurations.

  2. automatically do this!
    RSS GroundRSS Ground
    Create Item in Personal Feed

    Creates a new content item in one of your personal feeds in RSS Ground.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • Limit to Screenshot Configuration(s)

    • Page

    • Limit

    • After Date

    • Before Date

    • Order

    Try It
    • Website URLRequired

    • Website Time Zone

    • Scheduled Screenshot

    • Scheduled Every

    • Scheduled Interval

    • Multi-Step Actions

    • Wait Time To Capture Screenshot

    • Wait for Selector

    • Page Width

    • Page Height

    • Full Page

    • CSS Selector

    • Hover On Selected

    • Image Format

    • Quality

    • Scale Factor

    • CSS Injection

    • Javascript Injection

    • Custom Headers

    • Custom Cookies

    • User Agent

    • Accept Language

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • Accuracy

    • Thumb Width

    • Thumb Height

    • No Ads

    • No Tracking

    • No Cookie Banners

    • Disable All Javascript

    • Discard Third-Party Javascript

    • Placeholder URL

    • Name

    • Note

    • Website URLRequired

    • Website Time Zone

    • Multi-Step Actions

    • Wait Time to Capture Screenshot

    • Wait for Selector

    • Page Width

    • Page Height

    • Full Page

    • CSS Selector

    • Hover on Selected

    • Image Format

    • Quality

    • Scale Factor

    • CSS Injection

    • Javascript Injection

    • User Agent

    • Custom Headers

    • Custom Cookies

    • TTL

    • Accept Language

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • Accuracy

    • Thumb Width

    • Thumb Height

    • No Ads

    • No Tracking

    • No Cookie Banners

    • Disable All Javascript

    • Discard Third-Party Javascript

    • Name

    • Note

    • Location

    • Website URLRequired

    • Multi-Step Actions

    • Wait Time to Capture Screenshot

    • Wait for Selector

    • Page Width

    • Page Height

    • Full Page

    • CSS Selector

    • Hover on Selected

    • Image Format

    • Quality

    • Scale Factor

    • CSS Injection

    • Javascript Injection

    • User Agent

    • Custom Headers

    • Custom Cookies

    • TTL

    • Accept Language

    • Website Time Zone

    • Thumb Width

    • Thumb Height

    • No Ads

    • No Tracking

    • No Cookie Banners

    • Disable All Javascript

    • Discard Third-Party Javascript

    • Name

    • Note

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About PagePixels Screenshots

PagePixels provides free, immediate screenshots, scheduled screenshots, and multi-step screenshots (complete forms, login to websites, etc).

Related categories

  • Images & Design
rss-ground logo

About RSS Ground

RSS Ground allows you to streamline and automate every step of content research, creation, generation, monetization, sharing and promotion.

Related categories