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OpenPhone + Uplisting

Create or update OpenPhone contacts for new Uplisting bookings

Effortlessly manage your guest communication with this Uplisting and OpenPhone workflow. Whenever a new booking is made in Uplisting, the automation will create or update the corresponding contact in OpenPhone. Stay on top of your property management tasks, ensure seamless customer interactions, and save time by keeping your OpenPhone contacts up-to-date.

Effortlessly manage your guest communication with this Uplisting and OpenPhone workflow. Whenever a new booking is made in Uplisting, the automation will create or update the corresponding contact in OpenPhone. Stay on top of your property management tasks, ensure seamless customer interactions, and save time by keeping your OpenPhone contacts up-to-date.

  1. When this happens...
    New Booking

    Triggers when a new booking is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create or Update Contact

    Creates a contact or updates an existing contact.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About OpenPhone

OpenPhone is a new phone for business. It comes with powerful calling, messaging, and a lightweight CRM.

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About Uplisting

Uplisting is a platform for short-term rental property managers to optimise bookings and manage operations across multiple channels and multiple people.

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