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Morgen + Taskade

Create new Morgen tasks when Taskade tasks are due

Streamline your task management with this Taskade to Morgen workflow. When a task due date is set in Taskade, a corresponding task will be created in Morgen. This seamless integration helps ensure all your due tasks are visible and manageable in both platforms, enhancing your productivity and task tracking efficiency.

Streamline your task management with this Taskade to Morgen workflow. When a task due date is set in Taskade, a corresponding task will be created in Morgen. This seamless integration helps ensure all your due tasks are visible and manageable in both platforms, enhancing your productivity and task tracking efficiency.

  1. When this happens...
    Task Due

    Triggers when a task is due.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create a Task

    Triggers when a new task is created in Morgen.

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Supported triggers and actions

    • Workspace or Folder

    • ProjectRequired

    • Block

    • ContentRequired

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Assign to

  • Morgen triggers, actions, and search

    Task Completed or Updated

    Triggers when a task is updated or marked as done in Morgen.

    Try It
    • Task TitleRequired

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About Morgen

Morgen is an all-in-one app for your time management

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About Taskade

Taskade is a collaboration platform for remote teams to organize and manage projects.

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