
LinkedIn + Webhooks by Zapier

Create LinkedIn company updates from new Webhooks by Zapier polls

Boost your LinkedIn presence by effortlessly updating your company page whenever a new poll is retrieved. With this workflow, whenever Webhooks by Zapier retrieves a poll, it will instantly create a company update on your LinkedIn page, keeping your audience engaged and informed. Stay consistent and save time with this seamless automation.

Boost your LinkedIn presence by effortlessly updating your company page whenever a new poll is retrieved. With this workflow, whenever Webhooks by Zapier retrieves a poll, it will instantly create a company update on your LinkedIn page, keeping your audience engaged and informed. Stay consistent and save time with this seamless automation.

  1. When this happens...
    Webhooks by ZapierWebhooks by Zapier
    Retrieve Poll

    Poll a URL and look for new entries.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Company Update

    Creates a new update for a Company Page.

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • Webhooks by Zapier triggers, actions, and search

    Catch Raw Hook

    Wait for a new POST, PUT, or GET to a Zapier URL. Gives the request body unparsed (max 2 MB) and also includes headers.

    Try It
    • MethodRequired

    • URLRequired

    • Data Pass-Through?

    • Data

    • Unflatten

    • Basic Auth

    • Headers

    • URLRequired

    • Payload Type

    • Data

    • Wrap Request In Array

    • File

    • Unflatten

    • Basic Auth

    • Headers

    • LinkedIn Company PageRequired

    • Update ContentRequired

    • Allow Mentions in content?

    • Preview - URL

    • Preview - Thumbnail Image

    • Preview - Title

    • Preview - Description

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About LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world's largest social network for professionals. Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

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  • Social Media Accounts

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About Webhooks by Zapier

Webhooks simply POST data (or JSON) to a specific URL every time we see something new. Webhooks can also accept data (or JSON) to kick off a workflow in Zapier.

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