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Knowledge Anywhere LMS + Zoho CRM

Create users in Knowledge Anywhere LMS from new or updated contacts in Zoho CRM

Effortlessly manage your Zoho CRM contacts and keep your Knowledge Anywhere LMS users up-to-date with this seamless workflow. When a new or updated contact is detected in Zoho CRM, a user will be created in Knowledge Anywhere LMS, ensuring that your learning management system is always in sync with your customer database. Stay organized and efficient by automating this crucial process.

Effortlessly manage your Zoho CRM contacts and keep your Knowledge Anywhere LMS users up-to-date with this seamless workflow. When a new or updated contact is detected in Zoho CRM, a user will be created in Knowledge Anywhere LMS, ensuring that your learning management system is always in sync with your customer database. Stay organized and efficient by automating this crucial process.

  1. When this happens...
    Zoho CRMZoho CRM
    New or Updated Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is added or modified in Zoho. If you are on a paid plan for the Zoho CRM then it is advisable to use New/Updated Module Entry (Instant) trigger.

  2. automatically do this!
    Knowledge Anywhere LMSKnowledge Anywhere LMS
    Create User

    Creates a User in the LMS

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Zoho CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is created. If you are on a paid plan for the Zoho CRM then it is advisable to use New Module Entry (Instant) trigger.

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    • ModuleRequired

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  • Zoho CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New or Updated Lead

    Triggers when a new lead is added or modified in Zoho. If you are on a paid plan for the Zoho CRM then it is advisable to use New/Updated Module Entry (Instant) trigger.

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  • Zoho CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New User

    Triggers when a new active user is added to your Zoho CRM account.

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  • Zoho CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New Lead

    Triggers when a new lead is created. If you are on a paid plan for the Zoho CRM then it is advisable to use New Module Entry (Instant) trigger.

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  • Zoho CRM triggers, actions, and search

    New or Updated Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is added or modified in Zoho. If you are on a paid plan for the Zoho CRM then it is advisable to use New/Updated Module Entry (Instant) trigger.

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    • ModuleRequired

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    • ModuleRequired

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About Knowledge Anywhere LMS

Knowledge Anywhere's LMS helps connect your learners to Just in Time Training.

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