
Chargebee + LinkedIn Conversions

Send conversion events in LinkedIn Conversion for new subscriptions in Chargebee

Start driving your online marketing strategy more effectively with this workflow. When a new subscription happens in Chargebee, it fuels a conversion event in your LinkedIn Conversion app. This automation not only saves time but also gives you an immediate update on your customer's behavior. Enhance your digital marketing analytics and keep your campaigns on the winning track.

Start driving your online marketing strategy more effectively with this workflow. When a new subscription happens in Chargebee, it fuels a conversion event in your LinkedIn Conversion app. This automation not only saves time but also gives you an immediate update on your customer's behavior. Enhance your digital marketing analytics and keep your campaigns on the winning track.

  1. When this happens...
    New Subscription

    Triggers when a subscription is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    LinkedIn ConversionsLinkedIn Conversions
    Send Conversion Event

    Sends a Conversion Event to a Conversion.

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • Chargebee triggers, actions, and search

    Card Expiration

    Triggers when a credit card expires.

    Try It
  • Chargebee triggers, actions, and search

    Payment Method Updates

    Triggers when a payment method is updated.

    Try It
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About Chargebee

Chargebee is a subscription management and recurring billing solution used by businesses to customize subscription billing workflows.
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About LinkedIn Conversions

LinkedIn Conversions lets you send information about important customer events to LinkedIn's Conversion API directly from your website, CRM or other databases.

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