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CallRail + WhatsApp Notifications

Send WhatsApp Notifications messages when new sms are received in CallRail

Receive an SMS in CallRail and you need to convey the message to a WhatsApp group swiftly? With this seamless workflow, the moment an SMS lands in your CallRail account, the same message is instantly delivered to a designated WhatsApp group, easing your communication efforts and ensuring important texts are relayed in real-time. It's the perfect solution for effortless information transfer between these popular communication platforms.

Receive an SMS in CallRail and you need to convey the message to a WhatsApp group swiftly? With this seamless workflow, the moment an SMS lands in your CallRail account, the same message is instantly delivered to a designated WhatsApp group, easing your communication efforts and ensuring important texts are relayed in real-time. It's the perfect solution for effortless information transfer between these popular communication platforms.

  1. When this happens...
    SMS Received

    Triggers when an SMS message is received.

  2. automatically do this!
    WhatsApp NotificationsWhatsApp Notifications
    Send Message

    Sends a message to a WhatsApp user.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About CallRail

CallRail is an analytics platform designed for those who rely on quality calls and inbound leads to measure success.

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About WhatsApp Notifications

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