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Brevo + HoneyBook

Create or update Brevo contacts when new projects are booked in HoneyBook

Streamline your workflow with this HoneyBook and Brevo integration. As you book new projects in HoneyBook, the automation swiftly updates or adds a corresponding contact in Brevo. This process ensures your client records remain up-to-date, enabling more efficient and timely interactions. Experience the ease and simplification of managing your contact list between HoneyBook and Brevo.

Streamline your workflow with this HoneyBook and Brevo integration. As you book new projects in HoneyBook, the automation swiftly updates or adds a corresponding contact in Brevo. This process ensures your client records remain up-to-date, enabling more efficient and timely interactions. Experience the ease and simplification of managing your contact list between HoneyBook and Brevo.

  1. When this happens...
    New Project Booked

    Triggers when a project is booked (an agreement/proposal signed or retainer paid).

  2. automatically do this!
    Add or Update Contact

    Adds or updates a contact.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Brevo

Brevo is the leading CRM suite designed to cultivate long-term customer relationships and help businesses grow.

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About HoneyBook

HoneyBook is the leading client-flow platform independent businesses use to showcase services, book clients, manage projects, and get paid.