
Amazon Seller Central + Webhooks by Zapier

Retrieve data from Webhooks by Zapier when new orders are placed in Amazon Seller Central

When a new order is received in Amazon Seller Central, this workflow promptly captures the details via a Webhook in a single operation. This process eradicates the task of manually tracking new orders, helping you to consistently stay ahead and streamline your order management processes. By leveraging this setup, you can focus more on growing your business without worrying about order follow-ups.

When a new order is received in Amazon Seller Central, this workflow promptly captures the details via a Webhook in a single operation. This process eradicates the task of manually tracking new orders, helping you to consistently stay ahead and streamline your order management processes. By leveraging this setup, you can focus more on growing your business without worrying about order follow-ups.

  1. When this happens...
    Amazon Seller CentralAmazon Seller Central
    New Order

    Triggers when a new order is received.

  2. automatically do this!
    Webhooks by ZapierWebhooks by Zapier

    Fire off a single GET request with optional querystrings.

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • Api Docs Info

    • HTTP MethodRequired

    • URLRequired

    • Query String Parameters

    • Headers

    • Additional Request Headers

    • Body

  • Webhooks by Zapier triggers, actions, and search

    Catch Raw Hook

    Wait for a new POST, PUT, or GET to a Zapier URL. Gives the request body unparsed (max 2 MB) and also includes headers.

    Try It
    • MethodRequired

    • URLRequired

    • Data Pass-Through?

    • Data

    • Unflatten

    • Basic Auth

    • Headers

    • URLRequired

    • Payload Type

    • Data

    • Wrap Request In Array

    • File

    • Unflatten

    • Basic Auth

    • Headers

amazon-seller-central logo

About Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central enables both individuals and businesses to sell their products and inventory on Amazon.com (US accounts only).

Related categories

  • Amazon
  • eCommerce
webhook logo

About Webhooks by Zapier

Webhooks simply POST data (or JSON) to a specific URL every time we see something new. Webhooks can also accept data (or JSON) to kick off a workflow in Zapier.

Related categories