Zapier for non-profits

Zapier lets you connect the apps you use for work, so everything flows—automatically. From organization to communication, data tracking to finance, Zapier allows you to have a bigger impact with less work. Non-profits get a 15% discount on a single plan for your organization. See our pricing page to determine which is right for you.

How non-profits use Zapier

We want to help you get the most out of our tools so that you can work on the things that matter.

Keep all your systems running

The Georgia Innocence Project uses Zapier to track information, funnel new requests to the right people, and save important documents in the right place.

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Enrich data and improve processes

StoryCorps relies on Zapier to keep its CRM up-to-date with information about grants, donors, partners, and end-users, plus streamlining internal workflows.

The details


Any non-profit organization that can supply proof of their non-profit status from their own country.

The benefit

A 15% discount on a single plan for your organization. See our pricing page to determine which is right for you.

How to apply

If you haven't already, sign up for a Zapier account, then complete the application. It will ask you to upload a copy of the verification of your non-profit status (for example, for U.S.-based non-profits, we require a 501(c)(3) letter). Our team will review and let you know the outcome.