Zapier at PyCon 2019

Mariatta / April 22, 2019

PyCon US in Cleveland is starting in a couple of weeks. We at Zapier had a great time at PyCon last year, and we're excited to return as a sponsor for the second year in a row!

The crew this year consists of a number of engineers and recruiters. We are: Bill Merrill, John Roach, Rob Golding, JC Coto, Jace Browning, Kristie Wirth, Rob Jaquet, Ryan Siemens, Mariatta, Bryan Helmig, JT Haskell, Julietta DaSilva, Marquis White, and Erika Klics. Being a remote and distributed company, our crew will be traveling to PyCon from all over the USA, Canada, Costa Rica, and United Kingdom. If you see any of us, don't hesitate to say hello! We look forward to meeting you at PyCon!


Visit us at our booth

Our crew has been busy preparing for PyCon. We've designed very special eye-catching banners so you won't miss us, and we've ordered the swag you really want (socks). Come check us out at booth #713. Our recruiters and engineers will be at the booth, and we're always happy to tell you more about Zapier, our platform, and how you can build your own Zapier integration.


Talks we're looking forward to

There are more than 90 talks to choose from at PyCon US, covering a variety of topics, as well as a number of keynotes. One of Zapier's own, Mariatta, will be giving a talk titled Don't be a Robot; Build the Bot on Friday, Friday 10:50 a.m.–11:20 a.m. in Grand Ballroom B.

We are planning to attend as many talks as we can, but here are some that we're particularly looking forward to:

Contributing back to open source

Zapier proudly supports Python and open source. Several of our crew will be staying for the sprint and contributing to open source. Last year, our crew stayed and sprinted on projects like CPython, pylint, and mypy.

Talk to us about remote working

Zapier is growing, and we have numerous open positions that we're looking to fill. (We're a remote company, so you can work from anywhere!) If you're at PyCon, we will be at the Job Fair on Sunday, May 5th, 2019, from 10 AM - 1 PM at Exhibit Hall B & C Table #24. The Job Fair is free for PyCon attendees, but it is also open to the public for a small fee. If you're in Cleveland not attending PyCon, but are interested in talking to us, you can get a job fair ticket online through PyCon's registration.


See you at PyCon!

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