Maintain Essential Subscription Metrics with ChartMogul

Alison Groves
Alison Groves / March 21, 2016

Data is everywhere, but are we looking at the right things? If your business is based on a subscription model, there are a few core metrics that are essential to existence. Monthly recurring revenue, annual run rate, customer lifetime value, gross cash flow, all vital parts of the health of the business, and should be monitored frequently.

Bringing all of that fundamental data in one place is what you can expect from ChartMogul. Not only can you gather those great metrics in one place, but you can analyze them over time, segment your customers to make better data driven decisions, and connects payment portals together to make that all possible.

Businesses are nothing without customers, and there is so much we can learn from them. Using Zapier, you can add custom attributes or tags to customers inside ChartMogul from any of the 500+ connected apps, and know that you're making the best decisions you can.

Here's a few ways you can use ChartMogul's new integration:

For subscription model based data look no further than ChartMogul, and check out all of the data integration possibilities.