Connect Data and Manage Your Overall Team Collaboration With Hive

Alison Groves
Alison Groves / March 15, 2016

How many different ways do your team communicate and collaborate these days? Chat, file sharing, tasks, your help desk, CRMs, you probably use a different app for all of the functions you need, which can sometimes cause bottlenecks and miscommunication.

Those days are over thanks to Hive, which can pull information from all of your apps and communication methods together in one simple dashboard. Turn conversations into tasks, or share files all just by dragging and dropping on that dashboard. See an easy layout of all pending tasks and action items, and create workflows for reptative portions of projects. If it's an all in one view you need, Hive can help.

Having all of that useful data in one place is great, but if you have information in a lot of different tools, Zapier can help you bridge the gap. New sales opportunities, incoming emails, events on your calendar, files from other sources, there's so much information you can funnel into one place for excellent views and management.

Here's a few other ways you can use Hive's new integration:

Find yourself struggling with overall team management and collaboration? Check out Hive, and dive into all of the different ways you can connect your team to Zapier's 500+ apps.