Send Yourself Notifications from 500+ Apps with Swisscom iO and Zapier
When you leave the house, what is the one thing you are sure to never leave without? Your mobile phone is probably the first thing that comes to mind, the one item that very few people anymore are without, it is your lifeline to the rest of the world.
As your own personal community grows more global, you need a solution to stay connected no matter where you are. Swisscom iO brings just about any form of communication you might need to not only your mobile phone, but on the web as well. Video calls, group text chats, even regular phone calls, all are possible across many different devices and around the world with Swisscom iO.
With all that great messaging potential comes the ability to connect hundreds of other apps to your phone via Zapier. Receive new iO messages when you have website issues, for new files that are shared with you, get a heads up for new tasks assigned to you, or if there's an urgent bug that needs your attention.
Here's a few other ways you can use Swisscom iO's new integration:
Want to try out all of the messaging potential? Download the Swisscom iO app, and take a look at all that is possible when connecting alerts to any of Zapier's 500+ apps.