Updated JIRA Issue Support Comes to Zapier

Alison Groves
Alison Groves / December 7, 2015

When making software, staying on track with the roadmap is the number one objective. Tracking the status of each component, teammate, and schedule of tasks can make or break any software project. JIRA, built for those who employ the agile method of software development, puts the tools in your hands to organize user stories, plan sprints, track work, organize releases, and report overall performance.

This week we've made an update to the JIRA integration on Zapier, giving you two new capabilities when creating an issue:

  • Added support for Components
  • Changed Assignee and Reporter to dropdowns, no longer will you need to manually input usernames
Components inside JIRA, now available when creating issues from Zapier.

If you'd like to take advantage of the new Components capabilities, here's a few different ways you can use JIRA's updated Zapier integration:

How to Use This Integration

  1. Sign up for JIRA, and also make sure you have a Zapier account.
  2. Connect your JIRA account to Zapier.
  3. Check out pre-made JIRA integrations.
  4. Or create your own from scratch in the Zap Editor.

Happy sprinting!