More Fun with Buffer

Mike Knoop
Mike Knoop / April 9, 2014

Buffer is getting an upgrade today on Zapier with two new features you can take advantage of! Let's take a look at them:

1. Add updates to the top of your Buffer

If you're using the "Add to Buffer" action on Zapier, you'll see a new option today called "Top" which enabled you to send an update next (instead of adding to the bottom which is what happens by default).


2. Schedule updates to go out at a specific time

There is a brand new action called "Add to Schedule". It's very similar to the original Buffer action we've supported but you can specify a date and time for the update to be sent.


This date and time field supports relative and human readable date times as well. Give these a try…

"Next monday" - To send all your updates out only on Mondays

"Tomorrow at 11PM" - To schedule automated updates overnight so as not to actively spam followers

"Next month" - To give you time to review your Buffer and remove items you don't want sent

You can get started with all the exciting new Buffer features here. Reach out on Twitter (@Zapier) and let us know what you come up with!