Integrate Hundreds of Apps with RethinkDB

Bryan Helmig
Bryan Helmig / March 21, 2014

Anyone who's geeked out with me over tech in the past year knows of my obsession with RethinkDB, a "NoSQL" open source database. It has an incredible query language/API, it does sharding and replication out of the box and I guarantee it has the most pleasing unboxing experience you've ever had for a database™ (just look at those batteries included admin tools!).

So I am super pleased to announce that RethinkDB is now available on Zapier! Everyday we have people using things like spreadsheets or hard to manage tools like SQL Server to maintain massive collections of data, and this is something I think RethinkDB can do a great job with.

  • Dump all support tickets or replies to your RethinkDB cluster.
  • Archive every event from metrics apps.
  • Easily insert any payload from a webhook POST.
  • Backup every issue or card in your bug tracker or kanban tool.
  • Save every note or piece of activity from your apps.

Check out a handful of our pre-created zaps ready to go for you:

How to get started with RethinkDB and Zapier:

  1. Create or sign into your Zapier account
  2. Make sure you have RethinkDB's authentication enabled
  3. Open up your RethinkDB port to the wider internet (so we can access it) and connect your RethinkDB instance to Zapier
  4. Check out some other pre-made zaps
  5. Or start making your own!