Connect SurveyGizmo to Hundreds of Other Tools

Wade Foster
Wade Foster / February 27, 2014


28 Apps in 28 Days: Every day this month, we’re launching a new connected service on Zapier.

SurveyGizmo makes it easy to create surveys, online forms, evaluations, and event registrations. So next time you want to collect information online, SurveyGizmo has you covered.

The Zapier-SurveyGizmo integration is like peanut butter and jelly. It makes it a cinch to push survey submissions to hundreds of other apps. You can easily send contacts into a CRM like Salesforce or Highrise, send subscribers into MailChimp or ConstantContact or simply log results of the survey in a Google Spreadsheet for easy access and sharing.

Here are some Zapier-SurveyGizmo automation examples, but if you want to find more just check out the Zapier SurveyGizmo integrations page.

How to use this integration

  1. Sign in to your SurveyGizmo account—make sure you have a Zapier account, too
  2. Connect your SurveyGizmo account to Zapier
  3. Check out a few of the pre-made SurveyGizmo Zaps or
  4. Start creating your own